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  • #903043

    I just updated one site and seems to be ok right still never got rid of the 1 Update still needed which I believe has to do with Layer Slider. Will this ever be fixed? Client keeps complaining because their site says it needs 1 update and it doesn’t :-(

    Thank you!


    Hey elames,

    Can you post a screenshot on that error?

    Best regards,


    There is no error message. The dashboard just continues to show 1 update needed in the WP dashboard.
    But when you click to update the screen says everything is up to date. But the number 1 still is showing by updates.
    Been like that for the first 3 I did with Enfold 4.2.2

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by elames.


    Okay I think you are referring on layerslider notification. The layerslider bundled in Enfold isn’t always the latest version of the plugin when the Enfold patch is released however it is latest version of the plugin when Kriesi and our devs were working on the patch. So you can say that the included version of layerslider in Enfold, is the most stable that is tested with the theme, those notifications can be ignored since it won’t cause anything on the site, however if you want to have the latest version of the plugin, you can always purchase the stand-alone version of the plugin, deactivate the layerslider bundled in the plugin: and activate the stand-alone version of layer slider.

    Best regards,

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