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  • #868577

    New update and down goes my website….
    Cannot access pages or setting through the WordPress login just get a bad gateway screen.
    This theme has too many issues.
    Might be time for some developers who know what they are doing???
    Link in private area for screen shot


    Hey Darren,

    Which version of php are you running? Do you have a backup? What are the errors in the server log?

    Best regards,


    well – i alway use a child-theme and do always manual update by ftp. this is the most secure way.
    Did you update via WordPress Update Routine on Dashboard?
    Are you using a child-theme – if so : try to upload the whole enfold folder via ftp – make it clean – delete before the existing folder.

    I did it this morning and have no troubles til now.
    If you are updating from a very old version – try the hint with the php version number. Login to your ISP and have a look what Php version you are using. Because i think since enfold 4.1 it is 5.6 recommended.

    Is there a php memory limit to your installation. some ISP set it to a limit – you can try to increase it ( f.e. via wp-config.php)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Guenni007.

    I had a developer come and fix the issue.
    he completely uninstalled wordpress and Enfold and installed fresh and changed some css code on Enfold that was incorrect from previous
    seems to be running fine now.



    Great! If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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