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  • #556784

    I was moving along fine and loving it. But once I got to the menu, I couldn’t figure out how to make my new page the home page. I had put 6+ hours into it and was afraid my new page would get lost, so I kept trying to find any documentation or instruction or anything on the topic of how you make your new page the landing/home page – but found nothing but a confusing menu system that only worked for the dummy pages. Its so easy to just write the code, I couldn’t figure out why the editor was like a puzzle. I was tired and frustrated and almost finished. So I tried to use the CUSTOM LINK feature and wrote .mydomainame.wordPress (my word press home). Then everything went white (except for a menu that doesn’t work) and the dummy pages have taken over. I can’t seem to get anywhere – even back to the layout editor – there is nothing but the menu from my page, and the dummy pages. I know html and css but I’m new to WP and the file structure so I don’t even know where to look for it.

    I’m in a crunch on a deadline and this Theme was the answer to my prayers, now I’m 20hrs no sleep, 6hrs lost and nothing for my deadline – please can someone help me. 1) help me get my page back. 2) help me get rid of the dummy pages and make sense of the menu system


    Hi toddhaney!

    So your just trying to figure out how to set the homepage? You can do this in Dashboard > Enfold > Theme Options. It’s the first option.

    If your wondering how to add it to a menu then just find it in the “Pages” section in Dashboard > Appearance > Menus and drag it to your menu.

    Make sure to save the menu and assign it to the primary theme location.



    Thanks Elliot, I think making the mistake was the result of no break and no sleep. But do you think I can recover my page? its has a huge gallery and I’d like to avoid starting over. Is there a way to take over manually in the file directory? Anytime front end takes over and I don’t know where it put something or how it modified the file, I feel helpless.

    The pieces of my page are still in the Airia Layout editor, but I can’t connect to it because I screwed up the link and I only get a blank page with dummy menu.

    Or if I had to start over I guess it would save time to start with the home page v9 – video parallax and modify it, what I had built was close to that.

    What would you recommend?



    I’m not sure I understand. One of your pages is not working? Can you take a screenshot and highlight the issue so we can get a better idea?



    That was 5 problems ago and days of trying to work this out without the support I was hoping for. I’m going to need some serious assistance or get in touch with Kreisi – I’ve committed myself to this template and the time I have lost has affected my business deadlines and the issues have escalated. I was 3/4 done with my project, and now almost a week later, I’ve started over twice and now I can’t even activate the theme. All I need is for this product to work correctly and I can quickly recover my workflow with the time it will save me. This forum has obviously not offered me the support I need for my situation, and I see that there is an option to pay $50 to have someone help install, BUT – I’m not doing it wrong, its easy, and this product has already cost me so much time and money, it’s unreasonable for me to pay more to try to get technical help from an installer.

    Here’s what happened:
    I started over with a home page 9 on the template – but that was glitching. There were phantom hover effects causing a white overlay to cover the landing page’s background video and the testimonial section was flickering on mousover.

    I’ve since deleted and started over with a new WordPress Install and reloading Enfold, but the problems get worse:

    I created a whole new wordpress file in my public html and it loads and opens fine and my enfold theme loads, but when I go to activate my child-theme, it disconnects from the server and so does every page that I try to open after that.

    Elliot, can you either focus on my issue or suggest the next step I can take, or who to contact?
    I’m very pleased with the product in its functional state and plan to join the Enfold community. It’s just getting to be an emergency for me to be operational and so I need to do whatever it takes to get going…


    Just wanted to add – I’m not critical of you or this forum. It’s just not enough support for my situation.


    Oh – and one more thing… Merry Christmas! – I figured it out!!!

    It was this simple. I was going by the WordPress Codex for my Child-Theme’s functions.php file. I went back to the video and noticed that they did not include any functions. This was the underlying problem and my theme now works correctly.

    Maybe have him mention this in the video?




    I’m sorry but I’m still not sure I understand. You were having a problem with your homepage and it turned out to be your child theme? Perhaps take a screenshot and highlight what is going on?

    Glad you got it sorted though. Let us know if you have any other questions.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
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