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  • #1446704

    Hey there, I made a new website. Like I always do. When I am in the backend, I can see the right page of the startingpage. When I am not logedin in the backend, the frontend doesn´t apear correct. It leads to an inactive theme.
    I allready checked things like Einstellungen / Lesen / static page
    It is strange, because loggedin it´s ok, not loggedin it doesn´t work.
    Any idea?
    I allready called the host, they hav no idea.
    Greets Gabi


    Hey GaWi,
    Thank you for the link to your site, I believe that this is due to server caching: IONOS Performance,
    So you need to disable the built in cache or the CDN that is showing the Twenty Twenty-Four theme.
    You will need to ask your host to help you as it must be done from the host backend, not from the WordPress site.

    BTW, I disabled your Classic Editor plugin since this is a theme option and you don’t need the plugin.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike, first of all, thanks a lot for your quick help and “cleaning” :-).
    Yesterday I had several phonecalls with the host, with tecnical support,… they couldn´t help me because they said, CDN or Performance is not activated, but I can buy one, right now, … and then after buying, we can deactivate it. I didn´t buy something…. long story, no resolution. I was trying everything for hours …
    nowI saw a plugin IONOS Performance, a thing, it is right installed when starting with a new WordPress. Things like this I allways “DEACTIVATE” right at the beginning. Now I activated the plugin IONOS Performance… and guess, the Webpage works! I´ve got no word for the tecnical service of the host….
    BIg Thanks to you and your phantastic ENFOLD, Gabi


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, it is very strange that their support couldn’t help and instead wanted to sell you a service in order to “disable it”, nonetheless glad that you have it sorted out now. If you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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