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  • #602196

    I’ve experienced a serious problem after upgrading to enfold 3.5 and at the same time to the newet Advanced Tiny MCE editor plugin. Avia Page builder elemets could not update in frontend, I could edit and refresh in the background, but on the live site no refresh! After disabling Tiny MCE Advanced everything works fine. I think it is an ajax conflict.

    Similarly if TinyMCE Editor is on, it breaks the css too, at least I’ve found that using column layout settings, it avails almost nothing, because on the live site it dose not produce the typed results.


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by oroshazimedia.

    I have a fresh WordPress install, Enfold V.3.5.1 and TinyMCE Advanced V4.2.8 > https://wordpress.org/plugins/tinymce-advanced/
    Is this the same editor you are talking about? Because I test within a page and a post and didn’t get any issues…


    Yes, this is the same editor plugin which causes the page builder to misbehave


    :-( I’m not able to reproduce your bug… Maybe you can give me a point by point steps about what you are trying to do and I will try to do the same?


    Create a new page
    Activate page builder
    Create a 1/3 column
    Place a team member element inside it, use a picture, and description
    Set column to have 10px padding inside everywhere
    set border to 1 px, and border radius to 4px

    Refresh page

    Duplicate the column, and dupicate again: no refresh, css misbehaving too

    go back to backend, delet a column, or two, refresh: no change

    Switch off adv tinymce, go back to page refresh: at voila, everything is fine, even css


    ok, I have done all your steps, and… 0 bugs… all is working great.


    If you want I can give you a backoffce acess and you will be able to test by yourself?


    I believe, but here it is surely buggy, I tested it quite deeply. Maybe there are some elements which add up to make 3.5 work improperly.


    I believe you too :)
    But unless someone of the Enfold Team support say that there is a bug I will go into 3.5
    Goog luck…



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    ; Did you test this without any other plugins activated? This is probably a conflict between plugins in your installation.

    : Thanks for checking! Nice to know that everything is working on your side.


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