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  • #476116

    ich habe ein unverändertes Enfold Haupt Theme und ein Child Theme mit einigen Änderungen.
    In den Multisite Verzeichnisseiten möchte ich dieses Child Theme einsetzen und um es dort jeweils weiter zu verändern.

    Ich habe den Ordner enfold-child / enfold-child kopiert und in ***enfold-child2*** umbenannt.
    Unter Netzwerkverwaltung / Dashboard / Themes erscheint weiterhin nur enfold-child.

    Enfold-Child ist aber **nur** für die Startseite gedacht. Wie bekomme ich enfold-child2 angezeigt, unter Netzwerkverwaltung / Dashboard / Themes?

    mfG hgx

    sorry, Machine Translation:

    I have an unmodified Enfold main theme and a child theme with a few changes.
    I would like in the Multisite Directory pages this Child theme and each further change it there.

    I have the folder enfold-child / enfold-child copied and renamed in ***enfold-child2***.
    Under Network Management / Dashboard / Themes still appears only enfold-child.

    But Enfold-Child is intended only for the home page. How can I get enfold-child2 displayed, under Network Management / Dashboard / Themes?

    mfG hgx


    Hey hgx!

    maybe this plugin could help you:

    If not I would ask in the general WordPress forum if this is even possible.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Andy.

    Hallo Andy,

    nein, bitte kein Plugin! Enfold-Child2 wird jetzt auch im Dashboard angezeigt. Hatte allerdings das ursprüngliche Default Theme twentyfifteen gelöscht, weil nicht benutzt(das ist wohl inzwischen ein Fehler geworden?).
    Jetzt habe ich in der wp-config eingetragen:

    und habe das Child Theme mal Netzwerkweit freigegeben und unter Design die Themes mal aufgerufen, werden auch dort angezeigt. Leider ist die Subfolder (Verzeichnisseite) bei Aufruf immer noch eine weiße Seite.
    Die Enfold import-export Funktion habe ich natürlich benutzt. Wäre noch ein Tipp möglich?

    mfG hgx

    No, no plug-in! Enfold-Child 2 is now also displayed on the dashboard. However, I had the original default Theme twentyfifteen deleted because not used(that is probably now has become an error? ).

    Now I have entered in the WP-config:


    And I have the child Theme time released and to design the Themes Across time, will be displayed there, as well. Unfortunately, the subfolder (CLIC) at call is still a white page.

    The Enfold import-export function of course I have used. A tip would be still possible?

    mfG hgx



    But Enfold-Child is intended only for the home page. How can I get enfold-child2 displayed, under Network Management / Dashboard / Themes?

    You can’t set two child themes on the same installation. Is that what you’re trying to do here?

    Best regards,


    Hallo Ismael,

    thanks for the answers here. Have WP reinstalled as multisite subdomain version. However Offline home.

    The problem:

    1. a normal main installation and immediately Childtheme applied.
    2. in the Child are not only css files.
    3. keep working with the Child.
    4. a Child2’ve created and copies all files from Child (1) and insert and modify in Child2.
    5. Child2 should serve as a clone of the other pages.

    So Child2 clone of page 3; 4,5,6, … with only one main theme installation.

    That does not seem to work, but is probably not Enfold or what should I do?

    mfG hgx



    not sure if I fully understand what you mean and want to achieve, but as Ismael already told you it is not possible to use two child themes for one installation. However, please refer to this post:

    Best regards,


    Hallo Andy,

    many thanks. “it is not possible to use two child themes for one installation.”

    OK. But if I want to change something for one subdomain. So a child theme change only for one subdomain? How is that then work with just one Childtheme?

    mfG hgx



    as I already mentioned please refer to this answer:

    If you need help on this we recommend a short consultation with a WordPress developer.

    Let us know if you have any issues or questions directly related to the theme.


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