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  • #710877

    I need help removing the white space on my Enfold theme above the banner. Also, it wont let me add a logo. Right now in the quick CSS form, I’ve had to add this in order to remove the enfold logo. Please help!

    .logo { display: none; }

    .title_container {
    display: none;

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by dt101.

    Hey dt101,

    Can you please post a link to your website and a screenshot showing the changes you would like to make? You can upload your screenshots on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here.

    Best regards,


    Hello. Here you go. And I need the white space gone and my logo in the top left corners of the pages. Thank you. Also, If i need to provide access also so you can do it let me know. Thanks.

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    I’m not sure I understand what you are looking to do, your screenshot didn’t clarify much unfortunately. I’m guessing you want the white area to be transparent? If yes then, did you check the settings for your header in the Layout menu on the right side of your screen on the edit page?

    Best regards,


    I want the the white space completely gone.


    And yes, I’ve toyed around with the header settings and I can’t get the white space at the very top of the screen to go away.



    The whitespace there is based on the height of the logo you used, if you want the whitespace removed, then the logo will be removed also. Try using Logo left, menu right.

    Best regards,


    No. The logo has nothing to do with the white space. The white space was there BEFORE I added the logo. I need this fixed or I would like a refund or I’m calling my credit card company. This support forum is no help. You guys respond only 1x a day to this issue. Please help fix this issue now/today or refund my money or I’ll call my bank. Also, here is another link to the screen shot that the white space is still present whether or not there is a logo.

    The white space was there BEFORE the logo. DURING the logo and even AFTER the logo.

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    We apologize if we can’t respond as soon as you reply since there are lots of queries lately and we are trying to answer them one by one which also takes time. Please add this code in Quick CSS, if there’s no logo white space should be removed.

    #top #header_main > .container {
        height: auto !important;
    @media only screen and (min-width:768px) {
      .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top #wrap_all #main {
        padding-top: 50px !important;

    Let us know if it works, if not kindly give us temporary admin access so we can atleast check the backend.



    It did not work. I am attaching admin log in info so you can check the back end.



    I have checked the backend and added the 2nd block of code I have given and that fixed the issue. :)

    Best regards,


    Hello Nikko. I see the white space is now gone however why is my logo not showing up now? If you look in the back end you’ll see my logo is uploaded but not showing. Can you please have the logo appear on all pages on the left side of the page above the menu please? I’ll extend admin access for another 24 hours. Thanks.



    I have adjusted the code, I commented out this code:

    #top #header_main > .container {
        height: auto !important;

    And have added this code:

    #header .logo img {
        margin-top: 7px;
        max-height: 56px !important;
        width: auto;

    The whitespace on the header will show up again when doing this because the logo occupies the top space. Let us know if you need the whitespace on the header to be reduced (which also results to reducing logo height and width), or you want to change the background color of the header.



    I do not want the white space to be there so if possible please make it the same color as the menu bar beneath it. Thank you.



    I added this code in your Quick CSS to match the menu background color:

    #header_main {
        background: #2c353d;

    Hope this helps.



    Whatever you changed now made the menu on the page “Services” and the contact page cut off and does not fully display. Please look at the website and on the services page the contact page and you’ll see the text and menu cut off. The site is now broken and needs to be fixed. Please look at and correct your mistakes asap. You still have admin access. Thank you.



    If you check on what the latest change, only the background color was changed, the logo wasn’t shrinking on scroll before. Anyway, I added this code:

    #header.header-scrolled .logo img {
        max-height: 28px !important;

    and removed this code:

    @media only screen and (min-width:768px) {
      .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top #wrap_all #main {
        padding-top: 50px !important;

    Best regards,

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