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  • #1279867

    I want to be able to adjust font size and color for the post title and Read more link on the blog archive page of my site. I’ve inspected and tried all sorts of css combinations but can’t make anything work. Can you provide the right css for this?

    I also need to adjust the post title on the single post.

    And would like to remove the slash after the date in the meta of the single post.

    Last thing is to change the color of the social sharing boxes in the footer of each post. I can’t find where to change those colors; thanks.


    Hey bkatzdesign,

    As for the size:

    #top .bloglist-excerpt .read-more-link {
      font-size: 14px;
    #top.single-post #wrap_all {
      color: #000;
      font-size: 18px;

    Best regards,

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi bkatzdesign,

    No, they need to be changed with css. Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    I gave you the css for the font-size in the css above.

    Best regards,

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