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  • #676493

    Dear Kriesi Team,

    I search for a possibility to navigate into posts just with prev / next / main and the opportunity to add this inside any post.
    See Link on the right side. Is this possible to add in form of a small code?

    Thanks for helping out.


    Hey Fritz_Ott!

    Can you please elaborate on the changes you would like to make?
    Enfold already has a post navigation on the sides of single posts as you can see an example here –

    Best regards,


    Thank you for ultrafast answering.

    I know that Function. I would prefer for the actual Project to make it minimal just with prev/next Icon and in the Middle an Icon where I can link to the Portfolio overview….And Ideal on the Right Side in the 1/3 Container…

    Is that possible?



    Would you mind posting us a screenshot/mockup of what you would like to achieve? You can upload the screenshot to or dropbox and share the link here :)

    Best regards,


    Dear Yigit,

    Thank you for the Answer.
    Here is what I whish to do:

    View post on

    View post on

    Thank you for your Answer!



    Please add following code to functions.php file in Appearance > Editor and then [custom_post_nav] shortcode to your content where you would like to display the buttons.

    function avia_custom_post_nav(){
    	return '<p><a href="'. get_previous_posts_link().'"><img src="" alt="arrow" width="24" height="25" /></a><a href=""><img src="" alt="sc-portfolio" width="20" height="20" /></a><a href="'. get_next_posts_link().'"><img src="" alt="arrow2" width="24" height="26" /></a></p>';
    add_shortcode( 'custom_post_nav', 'avia_custom_post_nav' );

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Yigit.
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