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  • #216700

    The client wants all of these pages on the top level of navigation. Problem is, the navigation disappears on the iPad in portrait view. If I eliminated two pages, it works. Can I make two lines or activate the responsive drop down menu for this situation? Thanks.


    Hey akamaxbuz!

    Please go to wp-content\themes\enfold\js folder and open avia.js file and find

    switchWidth 	  = 767;

    and change it to needed value. It will change the width to switch to mobile menu. You can set it to 1000



    I did a search and on line 300, I made the change below.

    function avia_responsive_menu()
    var win = $(window), header = $(‘.responsive #header’);

    if(!header.length) return;

    var menu = header.find(‘.main_menu ul:eq(0)’),
    first_level_items = menu.find(‘>li’).length,
    bottom_menu = $(‘html’).is(‘.bottom_nav_header’),
    //switchWidth = 767;
    switchWidth = 1000;

    if(first_level_items > 7 + header.find(‘#menu-item-search’).length && !bottom_menu)
    switchWidth = 989;

    I also saw on line 1593 below which I did not change:
    //plugin’s default options
    var settings = {
    switchWidth: 768,
    topOptionText: ‘Select a page’,
    indentString: ‘   ‘

    But no luck. What did I do wrong?



    Add this on Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px) {
    .responsive .mobile_menu_tablet .main_menu {
    display: block;



    Yes! That works. Many thanks. I will move it to the custom.css
    Now I want to make the Logo space larger and change the nag menu to Oswald but I will ask those separately.

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