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  • #822517


    As you can see in the attached capture, at the blog section and posts (not in the home, contact, etc. where we have the image background section), the logo is placed to the top instead of being vertically centered. How could it be fixed?

    In browser sizes below 763px it´s show in its right place, it´s only above 764px width.

    Navigation bar logo issue (image capture)

    I´ve checked in the Inspector there are a lot of CSS with the 88px height dimension, but I can´t find how to change it.

    <div class=​"container av-logo-container" style="height: 88px; line-height:88px;">​
         <div class=​"inner-container">​
              <span class=​"logo">​
                     <a href=​"http:​/​/​​" style=​"max-height:​ 88px;​">​
                         <img height=​"100" width=​"300" src=​"http:​/​/​​media/​agc-lg-300x116.png" alt=​"Auditora Galega de Contas" style=​"max-height:​ 88px;​">​
    <div id=​"main" class=​"all_colors" data-scroll-offset=​"88">​

    Please note that if I change at Header Behaviour > Header size, from “slim” to “custom size in px”, the Shrinking Header behaviour stops working, so it doesn´t work for me.

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Pablo.

    Hey Pablo,

    Please, can you check the screenshot broken?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hi John,

    Here it is:

    I don´t know why, but despite the screenshot is not show here, it can be opened/downloaded with the mouse right button option.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Pablo.


    Thanks for the feedback, it’s better if you just put the plain link here so that we can open it in a separate window. I can’t see the issue on my end though when checking in Chrome on a 13″ screen. How can we reproduce the error? I checked the link in private.

    Best regards,

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