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  • #581140


    I want on nav menu stretched layout width 1140px set two different background color, without upload image background.

    e.g. Set background color #fafafa on width 1140px and set different color on left and right side of width 1140px.

    If i use Css vertical gradient background color, how to set the width 1140px between left and right side, which has different color and that to be responsive background?

    There is other way to do that?

    Thank you


    Hey Isakos-Soft!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .header_bg {
    background: #000000;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,  #000000 0%, #ffffff 100%);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,  #000000 0%,#ffffff 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to right,  #000000 0%,#ffffff 100%);
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#000000', endColorstr='#ffffff',GradientType=1 );

    If that does not help, please post a screenshot and show the changes you would like to make.





    I want to have different color area 1&2 of area 3. Area 0 has different color of all other area.

    Thank you



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Set the menu position to be below the logo then add this in the Quick CSS Field:

    .html_header_top.html_logo_center .main_menu ul:first-child {
        background: red;
        padding: 0 20px;

    You can set the background of the main header in the General Styling panel.



    Sorry, that didn’t worked.

    I found that solution.

    #header_main_alternate {    
        background-color: #ECECEC !important;

    Closed thread.
    Thank you

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