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  • #842244

    Hi there,
    I started development on a site for a customer of ours, and part-way in, a number of images just disappeared from the front-end of the site.

    I’ve utilized the Spa demo, and everything was working fine for awhile, when all of a sudden, a number of the images and content on the front end just stopped displaying. I even tried inserting a new slider image as well, to no avail.

    I’ve tested a number of theories (including reinstalling WP), and am currently in contact with the host in regards to what I know to be a problematic plugin (Root Relative URLs), but just not sure if that’s the real issue or not.

    Any theories or suggestions as to what I could do to combat this issue?

    Thanks in advance!


    Nevermind… I figured out the issue… Root Relative URLS plugin caused the issue!



    Happy you could solve it.
    Please do let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.

    Best regards,

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