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  • #743463

    Check out the image in private content and notice the thin white border around the names of each block. I can’t figure out why this is showing up in Chrome for Windows. It doesn’t show up in Firefox. Any suggestions? I’ve tried putting border: none on just about every element I could think of and I can’t get rid of it. Plus, the bottom border disappears sometimes when I mouse over the blocks. Please help!


    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by kevinmcgillivray. Reason: Added site login info to private content

    i would like to help you but for other participants like me – we could not see private content.
    But nevertheless an image is not a good help either. So the real link to the concerning site will be more helpful.


    I really appreciate you wanting to help Guenni007. I often find myself in the same position when trying to contribute to forum posts. My client is pretty persnickety about their reputation so I can’t post their site info in public. I’m hoping to hear back from one of the moderators. Thanks, though!


    Well, for whatever reason, this isn’t happening anymore in Chrome. Feel free to close/delete this thread. I’ll open a new one if I can reproduce the issue. Thanks!

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