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  • #1031802

    Hi, my site is running really slowly. It’s on a decent server and I’ve ruled out any server issues with the hosting company. I installed UsageDD to try to check the performance.

    UsageDD suggest that a score above 27Q gives an idea of mySQL issues. My pages are mostly scoring between 100Q and 200Q. Memory use is high too sitting at around 38MB.
    I’ve made sure there’s caching and all of the usual things are up to date (PHP7.2 etc…).

    Any suggestions very welcome. I’ve used Enfold on around a dozen sites and am getting concerned that Google’s focus on fast sites could be about to cause some problems.

    Thanks for your help.


    Hey johnmac1967,

    Are you referring to backend or frontend results? Your site seems to load pretty fast when checking on Pingdom.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    As you can see from the screenshot resource usage is really high. Pingdom is showing a not bad B rating but the site is SLOW to work on in the back end. Clicking Edit on a page can mean a wait of 10-20 seconds before the page is ready to be edited. Sometimes it’s a lot quicker, sometimes really slow.

    The CSS I’m using is in enfold-child/style.css. Editing the CSS file is not making changes to the site (it worked perfectly before). I’m having to use Enfold>General Styling>Quick CSS to see changes. I’ve tried changing the caching plugin but nothing really works. CSS changes are just not working through properly and I’m clearing the cache constantly.

    I’ve used Enfold on loads of sites and enjoy it but this is driving me mad. I installed the UsageDD plugin reports a very high amount of MySQL queries (often between 150 and 200) which apparently indicates that there are issues.

    Any help very gratefully received.



    Hi John,

    Thanks for the update, so it’s only the backend which is the problem? What is the plugin you mentioned indicating is the problem, what exactly is using all those resources? I logged in but I couldn’t access the plugin since the account doesn’t have admin rights.

    Please note that caching won’t affect anything on the backend, only on the frontend.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard, apologies, I thought I had made you an Admin user. I’ve changed that and you now have Administrator rights. The plugin is UsageDD which monitors resource usage.
    The statistics it’s giving for this site are worryingly high, both for the number of MySQL queries and the amount of memory being used (you can see the numbers at the bottom of the page when you are logged in).
    I would be grateful if you could look at this and give me an idea of whether this is a problem or if this is normal with Enfold.
    Thanks again for your help.


    Hi John,

    Thanks for that, though I can’t see where to access the plugin information. Could you link to the backend page directly in private please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard, the information appears at the very bottom centre of the browser window of every page when you’re logged in as an Admin user.

    It’s a popular plugin and is in the plugins folder with all associated info there as normal.

    Thanks again for your help.


    Hi John,

    Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. There’s not all the much information given from that plugin to be honest with you, maybe you could try these out instead? They will give you much more detailed information:,

    Best regards,

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