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  • #1121430

    Hi Enfold,

    We’ve been using your theme a lot and it’s very good. Thank you!
    After dozens of projects I’d like to share my thoughts with everyone. My goal of this post is to make Enfold even better by letting the devs add more , in my opinion, necessary features and changes:

    It was hard to get some “structure” in this post so the list is in random order. I hope you don’t mind.

    Add scroll to top options
    show on mobile: yes / no
    show on desktop: yes / no

    Add more topbar settings
    show on mobile: yes / no
    stick on mobile: yes / no
    show on desktop: yes / no
    stick on desktop: yes / no

    Add uniform button styling
    Changing the style of buttons should affect all buttons (advanced styling). In lots of projects I need to style the form & slider buttons seperately.

    Add more hover-effects on buttons
    The 1 default hover-effect ( subtly lower opacity ) is not enough. I would like to see at least 10 options just to have more visual control over my projects.

    Add control over slider elements animations
    Let us choose the animations that occur in the sliders ( titles en subtexts )

    Add more slider slide animations
    Add more options besides ‘fade’ and ‘slide’

    Add option to choose the color of the icons in accordeons
    You can change the colors of everything in accordeons, but not the icon.

    Add the option to easily display social media icons in a row.
    Currently I’m using ‘Button Row’ with some CSS tweaks to accomplish this. Maybe give the ‘Button Row’ some different styles like you do with f.e. the accordeon element (accordion:minimal, elegant, … )

    Add more control over blog & portfolio items. Directly in the element let us:
    hide/show date
    hide/show categories
    hide/show tags
    hide/show author
    hide/show title
    hide/show text
    Choose icon for hover-state

    Add use custom page as socket
    ‘use custom page’ as footer and socket is awesome! Even better would be to have a seperate ‘page’ for socket and a seperate page for ‘footer’.
    Just to have more control. Some pages don’t really need a footer.
    This way you can have the option on each page to show: A. Footer & socket (default). B. Footer or C. Socket.

    Add scroll-to-top styling

    Add phone, mail, Whatsapp etc by default and the option to add our own icons very easily.

    Add H-tag control
    Let us choose what H-tag elements use

    Add more catelogue styles
    Just like you did with accordeon (f.e. elegant, minimal, modern, … )
    A must to support more horeca-websites, coffeeshops, …

    Add ratings to testimonials
    Because what’s a testimonial without a nice score or star next to it?

    Add different styles to loads of elements –> elegant, minimal, modern, …

    I’ll try to add more to this list now and then.

    Please consider adding this list with changes to Enfold over time.

    Regards and thank you again for this awesome theme.


    Hey mynick,

    We have already forwarded your request.
    Our dev team will review it and hopefully most or a lot of it can be added in the future releases :)
    Thanks for using Enfold!

    Best regards,

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