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  • #1089697

    My sidebar settings are all set to the right-hand side of the Homepage but on the live home page, the sidebar is below the content.
    This is despite the fact that when I look at the preview…the sidebar does appear as I intended it to, on the right-hand side…but the live page has it below.
    I want it to appear like this preview image:

    I have tweaked and changed and tried as many sidebar setting parameters as i can find in the enfold theme itself, in widgets etc…but with no luck
    Can you help me?
    Many thanks in advance



    Hey bvenge,

    Try to use a 1/1 element for the MY LATEST BLOG POSTS section instead of a Color Section.

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much Rikard!
    This has solved my issue
    Much appreciated



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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