I would like to use the WP music player, in such a way that: when I click on play-button, and then change page on the website, it doesn’t stop playing. How can I do this? (I don’t want it to play automatically when opening the site, though)
Here is the shortcode I’ve used (compact Media Player)
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://www.romaliuteria.it/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/17-Navarra-for-Two-Violins-Op.-33.m4a”%5D
I would be glad if you could help!
Maybe it has to do with the plug-in, I’ll write them too.
You are going to need to use a plugin. You can try – https://wordpress.org/plugins/streampad/ or https://wordpress.org/plugins/n3rdskwat-mp3player/ but we cannot guarantee that they would work fine since both have not updated in 2 years
Best regards,