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  • #283364

    If you throw something in the woo cart (the shop is under Catering) you’ll note that the cart hover button in the header is white – I would like to change the color of this to the link color I’m using – #719430, and do the same for the “up” button in the footer.

    You’ll also notice (after dropping something in the cart under Catering) the text in the drop down for the shop button (in the header) is so light it’s unreadable – I’m at a loss – I don’t have any text tagged this light (gray or white) so I need some CSS for this as well I can drop into the Quick CSS.

    Lastly, do you know of a plugin I can use to place a repeating background pattern behind any whole page? Unless I’m mistaken as soon as you can do this in a color box using the advanced Avia layout but if you want a sidebar the sidebar then pops down below it. I’d love to find a solution for this and for the woo product category and individual pages but every plugin i have tried doesn’t work.



    Hi adworks!

    Please insert this code into the quick css field:

    .header_color .cart_dropdown .dropdown_widget li a, #top .header_color .avia_cart_buttons .button, #top .header_color .dropdown_widget .buttons .button, .header_color .cart_dropdown_first .cart_dropdown_link {
    color: #719430;
    div .dropdown_widget .cart_list li span{
    color: #719430;
    #scroll-top-link:hover, #scroll-top-link{
    color: #719430;

    You can change the color values if necessary.

    2) You can try a background plugin like: or I didn’t test these plugins with Enfold though and I can’t promise they’re compatible or maybe you need to customize the theme files.


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    OK scratch the comment above… i removed some other css quick code and it’s working but here’s my issue:

    I wanted the background of the cart button green with a white cart icon, what you gave me makes it white with a green cart icon. I can live with that as I am out of time but the order copy when you rollover this button is all green EXCEPT the subtotal which is such a light gray I can barely read it. I’d like the subtotal text darker.

    Now when I review it on mobile I have another issue with color for the menu – it’s just a white box (the little lines that signify t’s a menu don’t appear) and I’m concerned older people won’t know what to do. When you rollover it however it’s beautiful – the green i want with the lines in white. How do I make it this color combo before rollover?



    Thank you for the update.

    1.) Please use this for the cart icon:

    .header_color .cart_dropdown_first .cart_dropdown_link {
    color: white;
    background: green;

    2.) This is for the cart dropdown widget text:

    .dropdown_widget .quantity, .dropdown_widget_cart span.amount {
    overflow: hidden;
    color: #333333 !important;

    3.) Use this for the menu toggle:

    #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {
    background-color: green;
    color: #ffffff;
    border-color: #3d3531;


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