I need to test Enfold 4 before I install it in place of Enfold 3 so need to be able to run two instances of the Enfold theme in a WPMU environment.
I did this my installing Enfold 4 in a new directory (/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold4) and then changed the Theme Name in style.css to “Enfold 4”.
Everything worked as expected when I changed the theme for my test site to “Enfold 4” but when I set up a child theme under Enfold 4 it did not work as well.
The only changes I made to style.css in the child theme directory were to specify “enfold4-child” as the Text Domain and the @import statement to “./enfold4/style.css”.
But when I specify this child theme as the site theme, the choices “Enfold 2017” and “Enfold Classis” no longer appear in the Theme Options > General Style color scheme grid and “Transparent Header with Border” no longer appears as an option in the page editor.
So my question is…how can I run multiple instances (two) of the Enfold theme under WPMU…??
thank you in advance…
– Dick Teller
Hey solidvapor,
I haven’t tried that before and I am not suggesting to do that since we have some users that tried stalking multiple versions of Enfold in Themes however it causes weird issues. If you want to test the latest version of Enfold with your site, I suggest duplicating your site to a stage server (like a subdomain, basically it’s 2 sites each using different Enfold version) then update it to the latest version 4.0.5. It’s less complicated and not prone to any issues. Hope this helps :)
Best regards,