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  • #1476188


    I need to show about 40 blogs on my blog page, in either 2 or 3 columns. I don’t know how to do that, as Pagination is not showing up for me in the Styling > Pagination > Post Number settings.

    I also need to have a categories list on the side, so I need to change from the full width columns to another option. What would you suggest? I want 2 or 3 columns of the blog.

    Please either tell me how to accomplish this, or do it for me! I am getting desperate here…


    Hey MysticMimi,
    I believe that I answered your question in this thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/categories-with-blog/
    If so, lets close this one, or ask more in the first one and we will close this duplicate thread.

    Best regards,

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