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  • #388349

    On my second (language) site, I created a post and applied the category Annonces to it. When I click that category name under the post’s title, the dynamically created category page delivers a Error 404 – page not found message. The original first site does not have this problem. I can confirm, btw, that all pages are published and that I have no Pages with the same name as the category. Also, all dynamic pages with the categories on the second (French) site and all deliver a 404 message.

    Here is the Debug Bar info for the main (English) site and then the second (French) site. The difference is that clear. In the English version, the Query String starts with category_name= while in the French version it starts with pagename=. Why is this happening?


    Query String:

    Matched Rewrite Rule:

    Matched Rewrite Query:

    And here is the French version that is delivering the 404.


    Query String:

    Matched Rewrite Rule:

    Matched Rewrite Query:

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by darryllevine.


    Do both sites have the exact same configuration in the Theme Options and General Settings? does the issue persists with the default WordPress theme activated?



    Hi Josue. I added a third site/language and the problem didn’t happen over there. So I just deleted my second site and am using the third one. The problem has disappeared. Not sure why it happened but I used the nuclear option and now it’s working.

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