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  • #374590


    I am trying to show 6 layers of pics in a multi layer slider box and then have them disappear 1 by one. I have been able to get 3 to move out of the frame before the slide disappears, these are the 1st 3 that are shown. No success in getting the others to disappear. The total duration set for the slide is 45sec or 45000 ms. I have the 1st 2 layers set to show at 6 sec and the 3rd to show at 10 sec. I show the 3rd one until 19000ms, the 1st and 2nd until 29000ms. The last 3 layers are set to show up last at 14000ms and 19000ms.

    I cannot seem to get these last 3 layers to drop out of the frame. If I increase the overall time limit, I have some success at cropping the time with these last 3 layers. If I leave it at 45sec, I cannot cut the presentation of these last 3 pics short. The timeline view shows this as well. The display from this indicates so.

    Anythought folks…



    I am still having the same problem… That is listed above.

    Can I get some assistance here ?

    I really try to do things on my own and I have spun my wheels on this multi-layer slider stuff for quite a while, without really pestering you guys at support. I would say I have spent about 2 or 3 days of my time on this, to figure it out so I know how to use it.

    The time line view shows no cropping or dropping of the layer out of the slide even with the transition out/show until 29000 on the layer 6 slide. This layer is present for the full 45000ms slide presentation.

    Can you please answer my question ?

    Update: Cant get the show until timers in the transition out field to work as expected… Especially the 4th, 5th and 6th layers of this slide. Removed all values for this timer from all layers.

    Waiting for response from support.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by scrivens.

    Hi scrivens!

    This is about the first slide correct? It looks like you currently have it set to 26 seconds with images transitioning in until the slide ends.

    Is the problem that you want the layers to transition out before the next layer comes in? If so then you need to set the “Show Until” option in the “Transition Out” area. I went ahead and set it to 1ms on the first layer so you can see how it’s done.

    Best regards,


    Thank-You Elliott.. That helps a lot (I think…) I do try to play around with the settings but this template being so great and complex, it is wild, it does present challenges. I am getting it.

    Actually Elliott, it does help a lot. I was thinking in reverse logic.


    Close ticket.

    Have a great day Sir.

    Dave Scrivens.

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