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  • #476990

    Hi Support,

    We have moved our website to a new server but there seems to be some issues. It is currently on a temp URL until we can resolve the issues and swap over. The temp URL is The proper domain is where it is still running.

    Basically non of the footer widgets are displaying as previously set up and non of the social media icons at the top header or bottom footer are displaying correctly. How do i correct this?



    how do you move your website?
    I prefer duplicator (free) or backup buddy (not free) and had never problems like this.


    I moved it from the back end through c-panel and ftp, and php myadmin. didnt use any plugin.



    1. Regarding Icons not showing:

    2. Regarding Widgets, use this plugin to export/import the Widgets from site to site –



    Hi Thanks Josue

    I couldnt find either the .htaccess file or web.config file so created the .htaccess file by uploading a plain text document and renaming it to .htaccess and adding that bit to the end of it so it looks like this:

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang7177{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}
    {\*\generator Riched20 6.3.9600}\viewkind4\uc1
    <FilesMatch “\.(ttf|otf|woff)$”>
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”

    Not sure if that is right? Also i cant find the web.config file and neither of them are on my original server? Should i create this as well?
    When i added the .htaccess file i got a 500 internal server error and when i removed it it went back to displaying the page not found page.



    The file to use is determined by the type of server you’re using, do you what is serving the site (Apache/Nginx/IIS)?



    Hi Josue

    We have moved it from a windows server to a linux server, it is currently running apache 2.2.29 (the latest version)

    Best regards,


    Would actually changing the name servers to point to our new site help in any way?



    Yes, that should fix the issue naturally, this error is caused when an external resource is loaded from a different domain (origin).



    Hi Josue

    That fixed the social icon issue but now there is a whole big major issue. Our entire website is broken! Non of the pages work and i cant log in to the wp-admin either to see anything from the front end. Please assist urgently.

    I have checked the wordpress codex and it says nothing more about moving the website with the domain name and URL remaining the same like we have done.



    Did you change the WordPress/Blog URL before doing the switch (General Settings)? it may be that, refer to the following on how to fix that via wp-config.php:



    I didnt change the URL at all, the site url is still the exact same as it was before so would i still need to do that? I know you have to change the URL in general settings if the domain name is going to change but ours didnt?


    Hm, have you already tried contacting your server / domain provider? i don’t really know what could’ve happened, i’m getting this error when i try to load the site:


    Best regards,


    Hi Josue

    I have checked with our hosting provider and they have closed off some outside channels due to websites being hacked with the latest wordpress release. They said it would be temporary though.

    In the mean time i have got the site back up and running but there are some glitches:
    Icons not showing properly (seem to be stuck in a very faded out minature version)
    Accordion slider not displaying images
    Google maps not displaying
    Partner logo element not displaying correctly
    Mega Menu seems squished (not the full width it should be)

    Any ideas on these issues?

    Thank you



    Have you tried disabling all third-party plugins to see if it gets fixed? can you please create us a WordPress administrator account? post it here as a private reply.


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