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  • #1426866

    My client has a site built with Elementor that I will be updating. I want to use Enfold instead. Is there an issue with activating the enfold theme and disabling Elementor? I haven’t used it before and not sure what it controls – will I lose anything on the site or is it just a builder on top of a theme? It’s also using woocommerce.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Munford.

    Chiming in here too. I just yesterday spoke with a friend who wants to rebuild an existing site that is currently using some sort of custom theme. It’s not Elementor driven but seems like a one-off built by a graphic design house. Knowing whether or not a complete build from scratch in Enfold is inevitable or if he can just switch themes and keep all his old content and then move forward with customizing Enfold for his needs. He is certainly wanting to used the advanced builder.



    Content created in Elementor is not compatible with the Enfold layout builder, and vice versa. If you are looking to change from Elementor, then you would likely have to rebuild the content using the Enfold layout builder. I would suggest that you deactivate Elementor to see what happens, that would give you an idea as what you would need to rebuild.

    Best regards,


    What about non-Elementor built content like my case above?


    manhattanctr it’s hard to say without see the backend of your site. If the site didn’t use any builders then there is a good chance that you won’t have any issues, if you would like us to look at your site and advise further, please open a new thread and include a admin login in the Private Content area so we can view how the site was created, since this is not your thread and posting your admin login here will not be private and you will not see our comments in the Private Content area.

    Best regards,


    I was able to keep most of the elementor stuff intact and all content was fine except that I lost some posts that were labeled something different but it was pretty smooth. I had to rebuild most of the page layouts, styling etc.


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, unless there is anything else we can help with on this issue, shall we close this thread then?

    Best regards,

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