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  • #573367


    I was asked by a client to build a site in WordPress (with Enfold) that could then be transferred, once built and checked to the main site. When I phoned and asked the hosting site support they said this was possible all I had to do was build the site in a different folder and when the site was built and tested we could delete the live site and then just transfer the site to the different folder. I thought I could do this via FTP transfer but apparently it is not this simple and we have done so much work on the site we do not want to lose it.

    So, the newly built WordPress Enfold site is here:

    But we want it to be here:

    Is this possible and could you help us do this?

    Thank you so much.



    Thank you Josue, but I am lost with this even on the first line! It says Create the new location for the core WordPress files to be stored, not sure what this means, would that be this or the place we already have the site that we have built

    Sorry to be a bit thick about this but we have tried lots of things and are very scared we are going to lose the whole site.

    I am not a particularly techie person, I am happy to use FTP handlers though.

    If we get really stuck is there anyone who would actually do it for us even if we have to pay them?

    Thank you


    I have tried this and it isn’t working. Your help would be much appreciated.



    From what I can understand, you need some help, because there are many different factors to move it, together with the FTP
    You can contact one of our Customization Contractors, who will help you out with the process.

    Let us know if we could do anything else, regarding our theme


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