Tagged: menu
Hi. BEfore the excellent update with more custom options I had the bottom nav floating to the left. There has been some changes to the theme, and now I can’t seem to find out how to move it from it’s position.
This CSS used to cut it:
.bottom_nav_header.social_header .main_menu ul:first-child {
float: right;
width: auto;}
But now that won’t do obviously. ;)
Hey Lene!
Please add following code to Quick CSS instead
#socket .sub_menu_socket { float: left; }
I see why this can be misunderstood. ;)
I do not mean the menu in the socket. I mean the menu in the header. One of the options was to have the menu placed under the logo instead of to the right from the logo. This combination was called social header with bottom navigation.
I want the menu to be UNDER the logo area, but to the right, and keep the logo to the left.
Have a look at this site: http://www.zencoach1.no and you can see that the menu is now directly under the logo. I want to push the menu over to the other side.
My bad :) Please add following code to Quick CSS instead
.html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header .main_menu>div, .html_header_top.html_bottom_nav_header .main_menu ul:first-child {
width: auto;
float: right;
Thank you for helping me with this!
The new idea you provided does not work… any other ideas?
Code is not being applied. Can you try adding it to bottom of Style.css file of your child theme in Appearance > Editor and check if that works?
Best regards,
Yigit. I have a multisite with subsites for my clients, so that is not a good option.
weird. I tried adding it to custom CSS now, and it worked this time. GREAT! Thank you!