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  • #742811

    Hi all, on my new web site i have used Small Business – Flat Demo.

    As you can see each page start with a big “special heading”, blue on home and yellow on service

    Seem its some pic? how change it, how reduce size i didn’t find setting for it.

    Best regards


    Hi @oozban;
    see the “section minimum height” and “saction padding” in your Color Section
    color section


    Hi @begrafiks

    Thanks i find it, just when go on a pop up of special headinghide it.




    I got another problem

    On demo blog look like that:

    But mine look like that

    But on page i have the color section, why not on screen?




    What chanegs you want to do?
    You have a different design, with no sidebar or hidden top area.
    Can you explain us what you want to do?



    Hi @oozban;
    If I’ve not misunderstood you are talking about “header transparency option”.
    While creating your page on the right side there is a section called “LAYOUT”,
    in this section find “Header visibility and transparency” use them as you like

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by begrafiks.

    Hi all

    I have find, just have to unselect that page as blog page, juste add blog section



    We are happy you find it out.
    Please feel free to let us know what else we can do for you.

    Thanks a lot


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