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  • #940460

    Hello Enfold community,

    My name is Carlos, live in the Netherlands and am starting to ‘get into’ Enfold. I am excited to become an active member of this community.

    I have been working with the theme for around a week and had no issues to date, I work together with a designer and come up with some cool layouts that I always attempt to replicate.

    I am wondering if anyone ever tried to modify the way that the blog entries are rendered, I am looking for a layout that contains much of the data that is currently being printed on my page, however, in a different construction.

    Please see image for more context (desired end result) > https://cl.ly/1U2c0v3k2t1s

    And of course, the image of the current state: https://cl.ly/2w1e1Q3d142a

    Do you have any clues, ideas, directions for me to follow? If so, please let me know. I would love to recreate this design.

    All the best!


    Hey WhaleAgency,

    Glad you enjoy using Enfold!

    Here are the blog styles available in Enfold

    https://cl.ly/2o2V293o332v and more pages under that menu.

    To be able to have the layout like you need for blog posts you’ll need to create a custom template.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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