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  • #712197


    thank you very much for offering such a great theme. It’s really a pleasure to work with it even for a non-professional such as me. I’ve managed to set up most of my blog the way I want it to be, but there are some questions left.

    1. As I use a featured slider on my home page, I would like to make sure that the text can be read easily with any picture. However, I couldn’t find out how to define a background for the letters only and not for the whole field?

    2. I want the category pages to have a headline. I have found out that I can define an introduction text in the category set up tab but I have no clue how to add a headline before that. I want it to look like this but at the moment it looks like this

    3. Within my posts I would like to have the date right underneath the headline. At the moment its at the bottom between two lines. I don’t need the lines – I just want the date in exactly this light gray italic font to go to the top.

    It would be very kind if you could help me to complete my blog. I work with a child theme and I only have very limited html knowledge.

    Thank you very much in advance.


    Hey e_zips,

    please use different tickets for different question.

    1.) Login details are not working for me. Can you check please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    I’ve just checked the login details. Should be working (see below) The fullstop ist not part of the password, maybe this was the problem.

    Best regards,



    1.) You’ve provided us a normal user account, but to be able to help we need admin access. Let us know when you’re ready.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,
    I’m very sorry. I didn’t know that. I’ve changed your rights and the password (see below). Thanks for your patience.


    Hi Andy,

    I have found a solution for 2) myself* and I removed the featured slider. So I only nee your help with question 3) anymore.

    *I gave the theme an update and then you offered the visual editor for the “category” – great improvement – thanks!

    Thank you



    3.) You can move the elements by editing the includes > loop-index.php file. Another way could be to use ALB for your blog posts, then you could position your date wherever you want to.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    I found the “loop-index.php” file but I’m not sure what to change to move the date right to the top of my posts. Would be great if you could give me a hint there. Thank you.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by e_zips.


    Unfortunately it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However if its really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    thanks for your reply. I fully understand that you can’t do that. I couldn’t judge about the effort that’s why I asked. Would have been nice if it had been easy to fix ;-).



    Hi Ellie,

    Thanks for understanding, if you should need to hire a freelancer we recommend Codable.

    Best regards,

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