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  • #558945

    Hi Enfold Team,

    I recently updated the Enfold theme and after I did my mobile view (logo and blog name) became all distorted. Help?

    Thank you!


    Hey youkendooit!

    It looks fine on my end. Can you take a screenshot of what your seeing?



    Hi Elliott,

    Wow, thank you for getting back to me so quickly! Attached are links to the images. The logo drops down from the header into the content and my blog title shows in teal and boxed when it shouldn’t be there at all.



    It does look fine on my end as well, please see screenshot in private content field.

    Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here privately so we can look further into it?



    Oh it’s working now! Thanks so much team! Ya’ll are the best :]

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