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  • #1109045

    Hi I redesigned a site in enfold that was originally designed in a different theme (dentario) and the mobile responsiveness is not working even on super simple sites without any content the footer columns are not folding underneath each other as they are supposed to.
    I am certain there is a bug somewhere since I have never seen this before. I love enfold and hope you can help me.


    The site is live now however it’s still not responsive :(
    Hope you can help soon.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by webdesignphx.


    Sorry for the problem and thanks for the login details, they are not working for either site though. Please check and verify.

    Best regards,


    I found it!!! There is a checkbox on enfold > general layout ! > full width area> responsive site that was not checked.
    Thanks so much for helping!



    Awesome! Glad that you found that option. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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