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  • #1340389

    Hi, for some reason the formatting for https://woodruffway.com on mobile phones has changed and I cannot correct it.
    Please check and tell me what to do. I have turned off all plugins and that did not help.



    Hi Buddy,

    I tried activating the parent theme, and the mobile layout seems to be going back to normal after that. I’m not sure exactly in your child theme is causing this to happen though. Could you try removing all customisations from it, then add them back one by one to when the problem starts please?

    Best regards,


    Thanks, I just removed all custom css and mobile still not formatted correctly. I will not add custom css back untill you have time to look at page. I am checking mobile on iphone and chrome browser. IF I go to appearance and customize the phone looks right because I used csshero to check css and corrected on that page but it does not work on internet.
    thanks again for the help.


    Hi Rikard, I got it fixed, it was in the css. Thank you so much for your help and I am sure I will have to call on you again.


    But I do need you to look at my site again on MS Edge browser and tell me how to remove the pink boxes around the menu items.


    Got that fixed also, sorry to have bothered you. Have a great week.


    Hi Buddy,

    Great, I’m glad that you got everything working, and thanks for the updates. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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