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  • #656926

    I would like to customize all content for mobile display .
    The header area with logo and menu is going well . Also .main_color works .

    Unfortunately, the data in the Content Area remain large and do not change in the Mobile View .
    Also the footer and Socket range will not change.
    Is there a Quick CSS setting , where you can define the different areas , so that the size adapts to the browser ?

    Thank you very much.


    kann mir eventuell jemand bei meinem Problem hlefen?

    Lieben Dank!



    I am not sure if i understood the issue clearly. Responsive layout seem to work fine on my end. Can you please elaborate on the changes you would like to make? Screenshots would help. You can upload them on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here.

    Best regards,


    Hallo Yigit,

    thanks for Mail.

    My problem is that the content in the footer , Socket and Content Area remain the same size and adapt not the size ( tablet and mobile ) . The images and font remain large . How do I change this?

    Best regards, Dörte



    kann mir bitte jemand helfen?

    Liebe Grüße



    I cannot reproduce the issue on my end. Can you please post a screenshot and show the issue? You can upload your screenshots on or Dropbox public folder and post the links here.



    Can you provide me an email address for disposal ?
    Then I can share the folder on Dropbox .



    here the link:


    When scrolling the contents are made not small . That’s my problem


    I would like to all the elements are smaller and stay to your position . Is that possible?

    Thanks, Dörte


    Hallo Yigit,

    Prefer that the site is as active as the page .
    When are large and small , the content adapts to the size .
    Do you understand that?

    Thanks, Dörte


    Kann mir diesbezüglich vielleicht jemand anderes helfen?
    Das wäre echt toll.

    Vielen Dank!


    Ich möchte das der gesamte Content mit Footer und Socket sich der skallierten Größe anpasst.
    Leider bleibt bei bestimmten Einstellungen die Text- und Bildgröße gleich und sind dann bei der mobilen Ansicht so groß wie bei der Webansicht.
    Das sieht natürlich nicht gut aus. Kann mir jemand die QuickCSS für diese Einstellung geben?

    Vielen Dank!


    Hi Dörte,

    I don’t understand most of your posts above since my german is not too good but I’ve tagged our german speaking moderator for the topic, please wait for his reply. Note that each time you reply to your own topic it gets pushed to the back of our support queue so please try not to do so unless you think it’s absolutely necessary.

    Best regards,

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