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  • #977528

    To replicate – go here


    Switch to mobile device emulator in Chrome Dev Tools – use any device profile you fancy, but it must be one that triggers the mobile menu behaviour

    Click our logo at the top – menu still works

    Either use the menu to find the 2019 Zimanga event or go straight to it using the following link


    The mobile menu doesn’t work – this is the same for all our event pages – regular pages work fine – but the bulk of our content is in event pages

    Errors are seen

    jquery.validate.min.js?ver=4.9.6:4 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
    at jquery.validate.min.js?ver=4.9.6:4
    at jquery.validate.min.js?ver=4.9.6:4
    (anonymous) @ jquery.validate.min.js?ver=4.9.6:4
    (anonymous) @ jquery.validate.min.js?ver=4.9.6:4
    94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: tribe_js_config is not defined
    at 94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1
    (anonymous) @ 94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1
    f34caf731ed311844b6dba5e6da03cca.js:298 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘add’ of undefined
    at f34caf731ed311844b6dba5e6da03cca.js:298
    at f34caf731ed311844b6dba5e6da03cca.js:298
    at f34caf731ed311844b6dba5e6da03cca.js:298
    (anonymous) @ f34caf731ed311844b6dba5e6da03cca.js:298
    (anonymous) @ f34caf731ed311844b6dba5e6da03cca.js:298
    (anonymous) @ f34caf731ed311844b6dba5e6da03cca.js:298
    (index):1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘setDefaults’ of undefined
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> ((index):1)
    at i (94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1)
    at Function.ready (94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1)
    at HTMLDocument.K (94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1)
    (anonymous) @ (index):1
    i @ 94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1
    fireWith @ 94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1
    ready @ 94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1
    K @ 94ddf5fd3edd667f2613a7e49c68cd24.js:1

    It is worth noting – when signed in as an admin – these errors do not appear and the menu works as one would expect

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by DavidMiles.

    Hey DavidMiles,

    Can you please disable WPRocket so we can see the results?

    Best regards,


    Done – and the issue goes away – so one can assume that WPRocket certainly appears to be a contributory factor – but the site speed is vastly improved with it enabled – so I have re-enabled it



    Thanks for the feedback. Did you try to play around with the settings in the plugin to see what works and what doesn’t?

    Best regards,


    Having sent out a newsletter this morning – which results in people visiting our site and wanting it speedy – no I did not! ;-)

    It seems odd that it is not site-wide – just on tribe event calendar pages



    I see, so maybe there is a script from the tribe events plugin which is causing the problem?

    Best regards,

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