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  • #271330

    My mobile menu is misbehaving. I have, for instance, a ‘Products’ top menu item with various individual product pages beneath it. The top-level Products menu item is also a page (With a preview grid), but on mobile, clicking ‘Products’ will only open the menu to the various product individual pages and not go to the main products page.

    This behavior is the same for all top-level menu items — How can I fix this? Is there a prevent default hidden somewhere in the js?



    Can you post the link to your website please?



    Was there ever a resolution to this issue? I am experiencing the exact same thing and need a way to work around this. Travtex described it nicely, but basically top-level menu items are unreachable in mobile menu if there are sub-menu items below them.

    Actually, I should add that this is only an issue when “Hide Mobile Menu Submenu Items” option is selected. So the question is can I have this option on and still reach the top-level menu items?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by brentd99.


    No, because the parent links are converted to some sort of toggle when that option is selected, so they can not link elsewhere:

    By default all menu items of the mobile menu are visible. If you activate this option they will be hidden and a user needs to click on the parent menu item to display the submenus


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