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  • #837691

    Hi, I have read through most of the comments and tried many of the solutions regarding this issue but still can’t get it to work. My client called today saying the mobile menu (burger) icon was missing when viewed on a phone.

    The last thing I tried was Yigit’s solution:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #header_main_alternate {
        display: block;

    Here is the website:

    Any ideas?



    Hey Slade,

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

    @media only screen and (min-width: 476px) and (max-width: 990px) {
       #header_main nav.main_menu {
          display: block !important;
      .menu-item {
      } {
        display: block;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 475px) {
       #header_main nav.main_menu {
          display: block !important;
      .menu-item {

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I too am having this issue – I have tried several of your solutions and nothing is working.
    My mobile menu is missing, and my customer wants the “MENU” words off the main menu bar on desktop, however they will settle for a mini burger icon if it has to be there…

    This is the website:

    Thanks for your help in advance.



    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child theme’s style.css file:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 990px) {
    .responsive .av_mobile_menu_tablet .main_menu .avia-menu,
    .menu-item-avia-special {
        display: block!important;
    .av-main-nav > li {
        display: none;

    Best regards,


    Oh Yigit – I was really crossing my fingers it would work!
    There is some sort of navigation there – but it is all over and not a burger, it actually has the word menu at the end as well – which is not working. I tried a bunch of settings for the burger and icon stuff in there after the code, cleared my cache and everything and still is wrapping with tons of space. Is there a setting I am missing?

    Fingers crossed that you can help.



    Hi karen,

    Sorry for the late reply! I checked your website and mobile menu works fine on my end! Have you figured it out already? :)

    Best regards,


    Hi – sorry to barge in but I’ve tried the CSS solutions om and it doesn’t work – my mobile burger menu is missing too



    looks like we’ll need to take a closer look, please start a new ticket with a admin login in the private content area.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike I can’t make a new ticket for some reason I’ve put the admin in private – It’s pretty bcrucial that it’s not working – we’ve just launched the site for the public


    I’ve created a user for the site – So I’ll create a new ticket


    Hej Mike I can’t find the spot to create a new ticket
    The User for the site is Safesec

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Basilis.


    I removed the details from the ticket here, as they are visible to all.
    Please create a new ticket from

    Thank you

    Best regards,

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