Tagged: menu
When selecting anything other than “Do not use an alternate menu for mobile” under Main Menu > General > Alternate Menu for Mobile the mobile menu will not display unless you use an older version of the jQuery library (i.e., install Enable jQuery Migrate Helper and set to use Legacy 1.12.4-wp)
Unfortunately using the older jQuery library has caused issues with our slider so it’s not an option for us.
See login credentials in private content to a test instance of the site along with a video detailing the issue.
Hey Vada,
Sorry for the problem. We haven’t officially released the fix for this yet, but we can try to install our latest beta version of the theme for you if you like? If you would like that, then please share FTP login details with us as well.
Best regards,
Hi again,
If you would like to fix it yourself, then please replace /enfold/includes/helper-main-menu.php, with this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6gmyfwwcicl0mdi/helper-main-menu.php?dl=0
Best regards,