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  • #838274


    we updated our Enfold theme and now have the problem, that the mobile menu is now showing items which have the class “nomobile” assigned, which sets it to display:none for mobile. This worked perfectly on the old version, but not anymore, they dont even show up in the inspector anymore.

    Did something change regarding this? How can this be fixed? Domain is in the private content.



    Hey alexandervellguth,
    The new menu doesn’t show the classes like the old one, I believe this is being changed, but adding your request – or vote – on this feature at the Enfold feature request form.

    Best regards,


    So it is not possible anymore to simply hide menu items in the mobile menu? Or create ones which only show in it? Is it possible to define a separate menu for mobile then?



    Which exact links need to be hidden? If it is only a few then perhaps css and media queries can be a solution. If there are a lot, then maybe a plugin will suffice until we release a permanent fix.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Well I need to hide elements which were possible to hide before this update using “display:none”, I am surprised why that is not possible anymore. I need to hide “Tätigkeitsbereiche” which has a dropdown menu, which gets replaced by a simple link directly to the page without dropdown. Similar for “Rechtsanwälte”. I put the site before the update (what I need now from the new update) in the private section. Check the mobile menu in both of them. I need to have the new one look like the old one.



    The first link above needs login info. Can you please provide that?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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