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  • #1417348

    Hey there,

    I have a challenge and cant find the cause of this problem:
    The link:
    “Why not?
    Zum kostenlosen
    Beratungsgespräch.” in the red color section does not work.
    It works on Dektop and tablet, but on mobile, you cant click it and I have no Idea why.
    Even when I move this Link to an other place outside this red Color section it is clickable, so its not the Link itself, its the red color section which is “blocking” it.

    Perhaps you can help me?



    Hey Monika,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The link seems to be clickable on our end even on smaller screens, but the word “Merci” which has been rotated 90 degrees is blocking parts of the link. Have you tried adjusting the position or rotation of the “Merci” text on mobile view?

    .gedreht-01-schwarz h6 {
        transform: rotate(-90deg);

    Best regards,

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