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  • #22650

    I have an nokia lumia 920 and with the theme set the the widest option 1210 px my mobile still has the layout as if its was the standard 1030px. So it crops a little of each side. If I look at your demo site set at 1030 its fine.


    Hi artistic24459,

    I’m not completely clear on what you mean. Are you saying your site doesn’t look right on mobile but the demo does? Or something else?

    Can you elaborate a bit and link to your live site so we can take a look at it as well?




    Here is a link to show what I cam seeing with the phone horizontal. Seems to be on portrait. I have also noticed the slider is always of the page?


    Forgot to give you the site address.



    I already sent an email to Kriesi about the 1210px layout issue. Let me tag this to Kriesi and the rest of the support team.





    Please install the latest update (v1.4). It adds WooCommerce support and fixes various css issues – including the 1210px layout bug.

    Best regards,


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