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  • #1278367

    I am having issues with mobile. I experience the same thing on Chrome, Firefox and Opera on an Android Galazy Note20, so I assume it is something that needs to be changed in Enfold. (The desktop seems OK, although I haven’t tested in all browsers. )

    Help, please. I need to finish this site. Thank you.

    MOBILE ISSUE #1 – The burger menu is flying out, but I don’t see the links.
    The Menu Icon Color is #fff
    The Flyout width is 350px
    Menu Links in overlay/slide out is: Font color #fff, Overlay color #ff9d00, Menu background #ff00cc, Menu hover BG #cce483 (using contrasting colors so I can see what the settings effect).

    MOBILE ISSUE #2 – The masonry gallery does not load the image in mobile.
    It shows the black background and the caption. If you click on it, the images in the slider show up.
    The desktop is set to 3 columns and the mobile is set to 1 column.


    Hey conlcoa,

    Sorry for the problem. Please try installing this plugin:, then set the jQuery version to 1.12.4 in the plugin options. If that doesn’t help, then please include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Rikard.
    That resolved the issues with the burger menu. But MOBILE ISSUE #2 is still not working correctly. the masonry gallery is still only displaying a black background and the image’s caption. The image does not appear unless you click on it.

    Please help me to resolve this. Thank you.


    Please help me resolve the masonry gallery issues on mobile devices. I just had an embarrassing meeting with a client.


    You guys are obviously too bus, so never mind. I’ll get help somewhere else or try a work around.



    Thanks for the update, and sorry for the late reply. The masonry seems to be working fine on my end when I check it in mobile emulation in Chrome, did you find a solution to the problem? If not, then please try to explain the problem a bit further, and let us know how to reproduce it.

    Best regards,

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