Images on home page using full-screen slider are cropped in the mobile view. Is there a way to have images keep their aspect ratio in mobile view? Fine even if they are letterbox.
I’ve tried changing width in grid.css in the Mobile (Portrait Section) but it doesn’t seem to change it.
Can you please give us a link to the website? The theme demo used a 1500x1500px images for the full screen slider.
Sure here is the link:
Full screen slider works great, we are using images close to 1500x1500px. Looks great on desktop, works and looks good everywhere else.
However the images crop to the screen size on mobile devices. My client doesn’t want the images cropped in mobile views. He wants them to have their true aspect ratio.
Try to insert following css code into the quick css field
.avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow>ul>li {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
webkit-background-size: contain;
-moz-background-size: contain;
-o-background-size: contain;
background-size: contain;
That worked perfectly, thank you