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  • #566826

    I love this theme and have been enjoying being creative with it so thank you.

    1.I have searched a few times to try to find how to make the header transparent on mobile menu and none of the CSS has worked for my site. So I’m requesting help in this area.

    2. On the mobile view, the Image slider no longer extends the whole way to the top of the page like the desktop version does. It drops below the header, I would like it to be Identical to the desktop site.

    Please advise thanks!


    Hey shefferz!

    Please try adding following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top #wrap_all .av_header_transparency {
        background-color: transparent;
        position: absolute!important;

    Authentication is required. If the code above does not help, can you please post username and password for it? :)


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Yigit.

    Hey there,

    Thanks for the help so far.

    The code does work on its own- however its interfering with another block of CSS im using. Here is the both codes.

    Once i delete the top one your code does work but I would like both to work simultaneously.

    Please advise.

    /*trigger the Logo center, menu below header option once the screen width hits a certain width*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 1150px) {
    .logo {
    left: 34%;
    nav.main_menu {
    display: block !important;
    top: 59px;
    /*Mobile Header Identical To Desktop*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top #wrap_all .av_header_transparency {
        background-color: transparent;
        position: absolute!important;


    I checked header on mobile, but not sure which changes you want to achieve. Can you provide us a mockup showing the results you want to achieve please? then we can provide you some precise css code. Use or dropbox.



    just wanted to say thank you. this thread helped alot


    updated to this – i figured it out, dont exactly remember what It was, but it can be closed.

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