Is it possible to have the theme set to fixed-width and an individual page set to a responsive layout. Or the opposite, have the theme set to a responsive layout and an individual page set to fixed-wdth? Maybe something in quick css referencing a page number?
Thanks for any help, really like the theme.
Hey pgentile1!
Please go to Appearance > Editor and open Header.php file and find
echo " html_stretched ".$responsive." ".$headerS; } else { echo " html_$style ".$responsive." ".$headerS; }?> ">
and change it to
<html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="<?php if(is_page(1122)) { echo " html_stretched ".$headerS; } else { echo " html_$style ".$responsive." ".$headerS; }?> ">
You need to change the page ID to your page ID that you would like to use fixed layout. You should choose to display responsive layout in Enfold theme options
Please see this post to find page ID’s
Thank you that worked. I already had the page id.
Thanks again.