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  • #799875

    Hello guys,

    i recently faced an issue as i wanted to add a product. Next to the Pruduct Data button, there is no selection field if its a single product or variable product. Also when i click on a product only the Text is showing no price or picture or add to cart button.
    Also there is no option for SKU only the options of Woocommerce Germanized

    If you choose the product in my shop its is not showing anything but the text i wrote for the product.

    Thank you for your help,

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by snkrfam.

    Hey Jonas,

    Could you try updating the theme to the latest version (4.0.7) to see if that helps please?

    Best regards,


    Ok i deactivated some plugins, i think it was SEO friendly images. It works perfectly now. But i cannot use SEO friendly images.

    And another Problem, I think this one is caused by Woocommerce Germanized, The text at the shop page below the images looks terrible is there a way to center it or just edit it anyways? (i mean the excl. VAT)

    thank you

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by snkrfam.


    For your text problem, please try this in Quick CSS:

    .wc-gzd-additional-info {

    As for your SEO plugin, maybe you could try Yoast SEO instead?

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your response, it worked perfectly.

    Yes i installed Yoast SEO now.

    Greetings Jonas


    Another problemi encountered, can you check out my homepage If you go to a product through the shop section the product image is sharp. But if you go to explore and click on a picture which does also link you to the product, the picture quality is really bad.
    Do you know the reason?



    Ive checked your site and I coundt saw the image without quality. May you provide us some screenshots?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    So i clicked on explore on the homepage then on the image of the shoe i came to the product page and this is the product image.

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    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by snkrfam.

    Hi snkrfam,

    Did you get it resolved? I am seeing clear product images.

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    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Not yet, on my devices it still looks like the picture i posted. Did you go to the product through this page?



    Please use

    Fixing Blurry Product Images

    Best regards,


    Thanks for all of your help worked it out now :)



    Great, glad you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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