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  • #1087435

    please see screenshot attached for better understanding of the problem.
    Before the last enfold-updates there was an info about delivery time (Lieferzeit) in the cart layer (top right after mouseover on cart symbol)

    Now the info disappeared. Can you please check this?
    On all the other pages, cart and checkout the delivery time is displayed correctly.

    We also use another infoblock for the checkoutprocess called “Warenkorb Kurzbeschreibung” (cart short-message) which is coming from the Plugin “Germanized”. This also disappeared from the cart layer.




    Hey Matthias,

    Thank you for the report.
    Allow us some more time to look deeper into the issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    ok, thanks for checking.
    Looking forward to a solution.

    Best regards,


    Problem solved. Plugin “Germanized” caused the problem and will fix it within the next release.




    Glad it’s fixed. We’ll close the thread now.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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