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  • #659007

    Hi, I am both a newbie to WP and also to the Enfold theme. However i have installed the theme (not sure what a child theme is or how its used !!) and also imported the Construction demo files as I want to customize this for an Electrican.

    On your website the demo for construction shows a grey full width image for the background section “Why Us” however in mine this does not appear. I have checked the media library and its not in there so not sure how to proceed and would appreciate your help.

    Many thanks.



    Hey snute2008,

    Please send us a temporary admin login so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.



    Hi Rikard, thanks for the reply. What email address do I use for your account?

    Could you also point me in the right direction to discover how I should use the child theme as I have not set this up and I think that maybe I should have done !! Duh !!


    Are you having any luck or should I start again?
    I have now read about the child theme so I assume that I would import the demo into the child theme ?

    Appreciate your help and guidance.



    OK I have been trying some things. I decided to restart the whole project to see if that helps.

    The image that I am referring to appears after installing the demo content, however after I select the “Splash Green” from the General Styling option the picture disappears.

    Does this info help? there must be a way of putting it back.



    OK as this issue is doing my head in I have been investigating. Basically once the construction demo is installed the “General Styling” option is set to “Blue-Yellow”. However if this is changed to “Splash Green” which is the color I want the image disappears. It reappears if you set the style back to “Blue-Yellow”. The image that is appearing is called “house-wire-model-fade-white-1500×1085.png” and is located in “/wp-content/uploads/2015/10”.


    Hi, have you guys any further information on this? I am up against a deadline and this is stopping me from moving forward. Hopefully I have supplied all the information you need.

    Would love some input so I know how to move forward.




    Please refrain from bumping or replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue and moderators won’t be able to provide a response immediately. Please be patient while we go through the rest of the queue. Thank you for your understanding.

    We would like to access the site but the login credentials are not working. Please go to the General Styling > Alternate Content panel. Check if the background image is set there.

    Best regards,


    I apologise if I have broken the rules or done something wrong but I was only trying to provide additional information which I thought you would have found useful.

    When I am trouble shooting problems I appreciate as much information as possible.

    I thought that it was something incorrect with my install, however I am able to reproduce it everytime and thought that all of this information was useful. I have reset the site back to an initial installation. You just need to change the style to “Splash Green” to see that I am trying to resolve.

    I have setup your user details again.

    Apologies once again.

    15.07.2016 – I have had the customer on the phone, do you think we would be able to resolve this issue for should I switch to a different template? Thanks.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by snute2008. Reason: Needed to get an update


    Actually, the background image is still there but it’s not visible because the background color of the General Styling > Alternate Content is set to #fcfcfc which is almost white. This is the transparent background image:

    Best regards,

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