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  • #415698

    Hi, Can someone please tell me if it’s possible to minimize the size of the footer on a page with little content.

    Because I have little content on one of my pages (my privacy policy page), the footer becomes enlarged to make up for the content. Is it possible to keep the footer as it’s normal size (small and discrete at the bottom). I have uploaded an image of what the footer looks like:

    Once again, thanks in advance for the help.


    Hi shoo;
    try to add this line into your custom css;

    #footer{max-height: 35px !important;}

    adjust the size as you like


    Hi begrafiks, thanks for the reply but unfortunately that didn’t do anything at all.=(


    I also tried using

    #footer {
    padding: 0; }

    but no luck also..


    I’ve tried adding
    #av_section_1 { min-height: 100vh !important; }

    #av_section_1:last-of-type {
    min-height: 80vh !important;

    but both codes do nothing! My footer on a page with low content still takes up half the page. Is there no fix for this? =/

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by shoo.


    If we give your footer a certain height then what would you like to display beneath it when the content does not fill your screen? Would you like the footer to be a brown line and then white beneath it? Or perhaps your trying to give your content a minimum height so the footer will always display closer to the bottom of your screen? There is a problem with that though because all screen sizes are different, it might look good on yours but weird on another computer screen.

    Go ahead and take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to make it display as and we’ll take a look. Also send us a link to your page.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.

    Hi Elliott, thanks for the reply.

    Yes, I simply want the footer to be maintained at a fixed size like most websites and not increase in size to fill up half a screen. If I have a large screen, I would prefer the page being left white compared having the footer increase in size. I have posted two images to ‘what it currently looks like’ and ‘what I want it too look like’

    Looks like the following code helps

    @media only screen
    and (min-height : 1200px) {
    .entry-content-wrapper { min-height: 875px; }

    But like you said it’ll appear different depending on the user’s screen. So there’s no way for the theme to automatically detect screen size to adjust?


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Please remove the css code.

    This solution is from an enfold user, it will dynamically set a minimum height for the main wrap container. Add this to the functions.php file:

    add_filter('wp_footer', 'avf_socket_height', 10);
    function avf_socket_height() { ?>
    		var headerh = $("#header").height(),
    		footerh = $("#footer").height(),
    		windowh = $(window).height(),
    		socketh = $("#socket").height(),
    		wpadminbarh = $("#wpadminbar").height(),
    		layersliderh = $("#layer_slider_1").height(),
    		afterlayersliderh = $("#after_layer_slider_1").height();
    		if ($("#layer_slider_1").length > 0) { 
    			mainh = (windowh - footerh - headerh - socketh - wpadminbarh - 250 - 1) / 2;
    			$('#top .main_color.container_wrap.fullsize').css("min-height", mainh + 'px');
    		else {
    			mainh = windowh - footerh - headerh - socketh - wpadminbarh;
    			$('#top .main_color.container_wrap.fullsize').css("min-height", mainh + 'px');



    Hi Ismael,
    That is just the fix I’m looking for! Works perfectly, thanks so much!

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