April 20, 2018 at 10:48 pm #944779
Dear support team,
we love enfold. But unfortunately we have got an issue with the Tab Section.
We have 14 tabs with images. It works nearly perfect but the last tab breaks into a new line. I think the JavaScript does not calculate correctly. If I change the calculated inline style of width in the container “Min-width of av-tab-section-tab-title-container” it works. The container just need one more pixel. Could you please check your script?For your info:
We have got 14 av-section-tab-title each 130 Pixel. Our screen width is 1680px.Kind regards
RalfApril 21, 2018 at 8:30 am #944843Hallo Ralf,
Could you post a link to the page in question so that we can take a closer look please?
Best regards,
RikardApril 21, 2018 at 9:34 pm #944978Hi Rikard,
thank you so much for your help. Our link with htacess protection see below.Kind regards
RalfApril 23, 2018 at 7:44 pm #945507Hi,
The problem is on the screen size.
On me, with a big screen I can see everyhting in one line.
Unfortunately the amount of tabs you are using is actually really big..Best regards,
BasilisApril 24, 2018 at 9:55 pm #946245Dear Basilis,
yes, that is right but that solves not our problem.
Take again a closer look please.
Now I have added five more tabs and only the last one breaks into a new line (screen width: 1680px).
Everything is okay on a smartphone with a lower screen size: no line-break. So it should be possible to get all tabs in one line on every screen size.
I think there is a mistake in the calculation of the min-width of the div-container “av-tab-section-tab-title-container avia-tab-title-padding-none”, perhaps in your javascript. If I change the min-width via firebug and add just one more pixel, so it works. So there must be a mistake in your script. Can you check it please? There is only one pixel missing to get everything in one line without a line-break.(By the way: if I choose fourty tabs without images, text only , it works without line-break.)
I hope you understand my problem now. And I am sorry for my bad english. I am looking forward for your help.Thank you so much in advance!
Best regards,
RalfApril 26, 2018 at 10:21 pm #947489Hi,
I do yes.
I have asked my team mates to tkae a look if they can find a way to get it short out.We appreciate your patience
Best regards,
BasilisAugust 21, 2020 at 2:54 pm #1239804Hi, I have the exact same problem on mobile devices.
This is still not fixed!!! Any suggestions?
August 23, 2020 at 4:23 pm #1240139Hi cambium.digital,
Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?
It seems to look fine on my end.
Best regards,
Victoria -
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